Santiago Hiking Trails

Santiago Hiking Guide

Tour Organizer
Cape Verde

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Unusual Ribeira

After an extended high trail we arrive at quite an - at least for this part of Santiago - an unusual Ribeira today.

On the top was a very drizzly view, hence there are only few pictures from the first part of the hike.

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Later on I was surprised by the Ribeira in which I found myself in the end: It did not correspond at all to the familiar picture of the relatively deep cut, though mostly very narrow, ravines. It rather reminds one of a wide extending valley. The farms and little settlements are not situated high above on a narrow Achada, but appear rather isolated on the slope and are easy to be reached.

The farmers told me the reason for the plentiful groupings of palm trees: There is sufficient ground water which now and again comes out on the path in the Ribeira. Within the final 20 minutes it becomes very dry.

What has been usual 8 -10 years ago in this part of Santiago is still present: fountains of ground water which carry water all through the year.

Our Service on the Spot

You will receive further information on all this tours directly on the spot from Sibylle & Geraldo. Depending on the degree of difficulty in finding orientation you will be provided with the hiking map Santiago island, with a sketch of the tour and/or a description of the course and/or a local guide.

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