Santiago Hiking GuideTour Organizer |
Kapverdische Inseln Cabo Verde Cape Verde |
Overview |
Hiking Areas: The main hiking areas of Santiago island. |
Serra MalaguetaThe Parque Natural de Serra Malgueta builds the core of this hiking area of the Santiago Island. If you plan carefully you may often have the opportunity to hike on plateaus. |
Day Trip Serra Malagueta |
Day Trip Serra Malagueta (Supplement) |
Panoramic-Highpath to the Silver Beach |
Assomada / St. CatarinaOn the plateau of Santa Catarina, including its edges, you can make a start on different and very interesting tours of different lenghts.Probably the best known hike is to the Poilon Also, plateau hikes along the Ribeira de Santa Cruz, with the banana cooperative of Cancelo as the destination, or hikes along the Ribeira de Picos with San Thiago Major / Pedra Badejo as the destination have their charm. |
Day Trip from Assomada down to the Sea: |
Poilon - almost a giant: |
São Miguel / Santa CruzYou do not always need to take a hike to the plateau that, at some point, requires you to hike down again. With the following hikes we show you that Santiago also offers brilliant hikes around the Ribeiras. |
Flamengos & Ribereita: 4 hours along two fertile Valleys |
On old linking Paths to Veranda: |
Ribeira Salto - An unusual Ribeira |
Parque Natural de Pico da AntoniaThe third expansive hiking area is around the Pico da Antonia and the Parque Natural of the same name. You can find different degrees of difficulty; easy walks to demanding hikes. |
Hike to the Peak of the Pico da Antonia (H7) the alpine challenge |
From Cidade Velha to Rui Vaz (H8) a gradual ascent to the capverdian summer breeze |
At the foot of the Pico da Antonia (H9) far away from the main road |
West of the Pico da Anonia (W10)) for step-safe and well-trained hikers |
a trek - long arduous journey - to make a long or difficult journey, especially on foot (trekking --> spend time walking, especially in mountains and for enjoyment and interest) a hike - long walk in the country, for pleasure (hiking --> the activity of going for long walks in the country for pleasure) footpath - a path that is made for people to walk along, especially in the country track - rough path or road, usually one that has not been built but that has been made by people walking there trail - a path through the countryside, a route that is followed for particular purpose ( a tourist trail) route - from A to B, a way you follow to get from one place to another, a fixed way along which a bus, train, (walker) regularly travels (walks) found in oxford advanced learner´s dictionary |
Our ServiceYou will receive further information on this tour directly on the spot from Sibylle & Geraldo. Depending on the degree of difficulty in finding orientation you will be provided with a hiking map of Santiago island and/or a description of the course and/or a local guide. |
Santiago: Trails Accomodation Arts & Crafts Music & Food Cape Verde Books |
© 2003-12 Sibylle & Giraldo unforgettable vacation on the Cape Verde Islands matched with your preferences 08.12.2007 |